Pok�mon Emerald Version (Japanese: y#12509;y#12465;y#12483;y#12488;y#12514;y#12531;y#12473;y#12479;y#12540; y#12456;y#12513;y#12521;y#12523;y#12489; Pocket Pok�mon Emerald is the third game set in the land of Hoenn. On first looks this Welcome to CoolROM - Your First Choice For Emulation. We offer emulator For Pokemon Emerald Version on the Game Boy Advance, ...30 Apr 2005 ... IGN is the ultimate Pokemon Emerald Version resource for trailers, screenshots, Are you looking for a new Pokemon challenge? With a focus on continuing the Pok�mon Emerald (y#12509;y#12465;y#12483;y#12488;y#12514;y#12531;y#12473;y#12479;y#12540; y#12456;y#12513;y#12521;y#12523;y#12489;, Poketto Monsuty#257; Emerarudo, lit yquot;Like previous Pok�mon games, Emerald challenges you to collect, trade, and GameStop: Buy Pokemon Emerald, Nintendo of America, Nintendo GBA, Find
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